Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Art Class in December

First graders and fifth grade art students are finishing up projects that feature symbols, including symbols of the USA.

All students worked hard on clay projects.  Please help your youngsters brainstorm how to bring home a clay project that is beautiful but breakable.  I suggest bringing a shoebox with a lid to school so we can wrap it up carefully.  The learning goals with clay include understanding that handmade artifacts can break.  Sometimes we just have to make another one.  We will do our best!

Third and fourth grade art students are also working on landscape or sky scape paintings.  Second graders are creating faux buffalo skin art.  Kindergarten art students are working on a Picasso style paint and collage project.  We will have lots to show in a few weeks!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Our 5th Grade Art & Music Collaboration

Monday, November 14, 2016

Today is the day we share our music and art accomplishments at BW with our presentations to our school community at 9:15 am and 6:30 pm.  Wow!  The 5th graders are doing impressive work!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Student Poster Finalists & Thank You PTO!

"Imagine a Day Without Water"

You can vote ( The deadline is Nov. 11th!) for the "Imagine a Day Without Water" poster contest winner at this website:Vote Here

or copy and paste the following link:

Some SES students have posters in the finals.  This means that the judges picked their poster out of over 400 entries!  Congrats to ALL students who made the effort to enter the contest.  It is a learning experience.

SKETCHBOOK/VISUAL JOURNALS for 4th and 5th Graders!

Many thanks to the PTO and SES and BW for supporting our learning in the arts by purchasing our sketchbook/journals.

Monday, October 24, 2016

More Fall Art Projects

Landscapes and More Landscapes!
Many 2nd through 5th grade

students created landscapes that promoted water conservation.  The following students submitted artwork to the Imagine a Day Without Water Poster Contest:
At BW, Larkin and Isabella; At SES, Henry, Lucy, Blake, Abigail, Mikey, Ella, Summer, Makenzie, Noah, Sophia, Giselle, Emma, Aubrey, Kaitlyn, Chris and Gavin.

Pre-K through 1st grade students created seasonal projects including landscapes, spider webs, spiders and pumpkins.

K and 1st Grade Digital Drawing Lesson

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Awesome Art Classes

Today, October 4, 2016, we stared painting pictures of the outside.  This is called a landscape.  We did BIG brushstrokes.  We mixed primary colors.  We made sky and ground and we made the color green.  Last week we finished our Family Portraits.  Landscapes are different from portraits because they usually do not have people and portraits are about people.
This post was composed and written by the 2nd grade Spider Class.

We started paintings of the outside at night.  We did the moon and the ground.  We also did the sky.  First we drew the moon and then we painted the sky around the moon. We read a book about a little girl who wanted to play with the moon.  This helped us to see our choices for drawing the moon.  We mixed yellow and blue to make a little green.
This was written by the Sea Otter 2nd grade class in art.

Pintamos el horizon.

Some of us started painting our horizon lines and our landscapes.  Also some of us finished working on our self-portraits.  To add to our self-portraits we cut out shapes with pieces of color paper.  This is called collage or mixed-media.  We were using the colors to show our feelings.
This was written by the 5th grade Football class.

We are awesome because we have learned how to mix colors; because we use our imaginations to create different things.  We have learned to make self-portraits using mixed-media and using expressive colors and realistic shapes.  We used color papers to paste on different shapes for our self-portraits.  Before that we practiced drawing realistic facial features before drawing it on the portrait project.
This was written by the 5th Grade Bobcat class.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Celebrate Art Education!

Here is a great site for learning about, supporting and celebrating the arts in our schools.
The National Art Education Association

In Kindergarten and 1st grade we are continuing with painting, exploring color words and self-portraits.  Second Graders are creating Family Portraits.  Third through fifth grade art students are working on self-portrait projects.

Fifth Grade art students will celebrate our achievements with our regular collaborations with the music program at BW.  Our first art show and presentation will be November 14th.

Monday, August 22, 2016


WELCOME!  I am so excited!!!  I can't wait to see everyone's happy face in the art room!  Do you want to know what's new in art class for 2016-17!  First of all, Artsonia is coming!!  I have also re-organized parts of the art room for added choice and comfort for students.  I would like to hear about everyone's summer break.  The best part of my summer break was playing outside, or maybe it was creating art with family and friends.  I can't decide which was more fun.  I look forward to sharing stories, hopes, dreams, and ideas for this school term.

Please remember that it is a good idea to wear old shirts on art class day.  Painting lessons will start the second week of school.

Please continue to check this blog for information, learning resources and more.  BEINVENIDO!
Creative Fun in the Summer

Friday, May 6, 2016

Crafts and Sculpture

We are ending the school term with clay, sculpture, crafts and paper construction projects.  Here is additional helpful information about our clay projects:
We use real mud clay.  It is also called low-fire earthenware clay.  We practice and learn techniques for hand-building with clay.  These include pinch pots, coil, slab and mold constructions.  We also explore the creative process of designing an original sculpture or artifact.  Clay hand-building techniques are standard methods of creating clay forms that will have a good chance of surviving the firing or ceramic process and will not damage the kiln or other clay art in the kiln.  I am not able to safely fire forms that do not meet the grade level technique standards and project guidelines.  I fire our clay in a clay kiln to thousands of degrees Farenheit.  This is called a bisque firing.  Next we may decorate our creations.  Sometimes I apply a final glossy finish (it is not a glaze).  Our clay art is decorative only.  It should not be used for food or drinks.  Even though the kiln makes clay art very durable, clay art can break.  Enjoy and admire our creative efforts!  Please handle them with care!
2nd Grade Paper Mache Mummy Masks at BW

Grades K through 5 learn weaving with yarn or paper.  Pre K, K and 1st graders also created sculpture
with paper and clay pots.


African Style Weaving Patterns by SES and BW 3rd or 4th Graders.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Music and Art Collaboration at BW 2016

It was another fabulous presentation of the arts by 4th and 5th grade students at BW on April 26th, 2016!  We had art exhibits all around out school, slideshows, movies, peer interviews and our music.  What a day for achievement in the arts!  I am so proud of our hardworking and creative thinkers!

Monday, April 4, 2016

The 2016 ACPS Visual Arts Festival!

Our Annual ACPS Visual Arts Festival is now at Fashion Square Mall from April 17th to April 30th.  Look for our art across from the Hallmark store.  Enjoy the show!  Celebrate student achievement!

BW and SES Art at Fashion Square Mall 2016
All students are working on clay, sculpture or crafts and construction projects in April and May.  Many thanks to the PTO and parents who donated crafts materials for our projects!  

Friday, March 11, 2016

Happy Youth Art Month!

March is Youth Art Month!  We are happy to celebrate by showing, sharing and reflecting on our artwork.  We have student art shows in our school, our community and beyond.  The following 4th and 5th grade students are representing BW Elementary School with art on display at The Northside Library: Arianna, Jordan, Ben, Mason, Christina, Tillman and Woody.  This art exhibit will continue until sometime in April. 
Northside Library

Prints for the show in Richmond, VA.
SES students have art on display at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts.
It is a fabulous show of student art from schools all around Virginia.  A selection of SES 2nd graders also have 3D and 2D art on display at the Scottsville Public Library.  BW and SES students have an art exhibit that will end soon at The State Capitol in the General Assembly Building in Richmond, VA.  For details about this show contact Legislative Assistant Jordan Dix at (434)-245-8900.

Our annual ACPS Visual Arts Festival will be at Fashion Square Mall this year from April 17th until May 1st.   This is a great opportunity to see outstanding student work from all grade levels. 

We will start our crafts units in April.  We will explore the art and math of clay, weaving, sculpture and more.  Please wear clothes that you are not worried about on art class day.
5th Grade Clay Slab Construction

Monday, February 22, 2016

February to March 2016
 Youth Art Month is just around the corner!  March is National Youth Art Month.  We usually have our annual ACPS Fine Arts Festival at this time of the year, however, for 2016 Albemarle County Public Schools will showcase student artwork in April  (Dates TBA).  We have art exhibits all around our school at BW and SES.
Third Grade Animals and African Patterns at BW

Fourth Grade Bird Illustrations at BW

3rd, 4th and 5th Graders were Paper Engineers at SES and BW.

 SES students will participate in art exhibits in our school, our community and beyond to celebrate student achievement in the arts in March.  The following students will be representing our school in a statewide student art show at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts  in Farmville, VA; fifth graders – Desiree G., Daemen B., Allen R., Keelin F., Alex G., and Madison C; Third Grader – Elizabeth L., Second grade student, Ingrid M. and Gracie B. in Kindergarten.  This fabulous exhibition starts Sunday, February 28th with a free reception open to the public from 2 to 4pm.  
         The Scottsville Public Library will host a small show of 3D art by SES students for the month of March.