Friday, March 11, 2016

Happy Youth Art Month!

March is Youth Art Month!  We are happy to celebrate by showing, sharing and reflecting on our artwork.  We have student art shows in our school, our community and beyond.  The following 4th and 5th grade students are representing BW Elementary School with art on display at The Northside Library: Arianna, Jordan, Ben, Mason, Christina, Tillman and Woody.  This art exhibit will continue until sometime in April. 
Northside Library

Prints for the show in Richmond, VA.
SES students have art on display at the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts.
It is a fabulous show of student art from schools all around Virginia.  A selection of SES 2nd graders also have 3D and 2D art on display at the Scottsville Public Library.  BW and SES students have an art exhibit that will end soon at The State Capitol in the General Assembly Building in Richmond, VA.  For details about this show contact Legislative Assistant Jordan Dix at (434)-245-8900.

Our annual ACPS Visual Arts Festival will be at Fashion Square Mall this year from April 17th until May 1st.   This is a great opportunity to see outstanding student work from all grade levels. 

We will start our crafts units in April.  We will explore the art and math of clay, weaving, sculpture and more.  Please wear clothes that you are not worried about on art class day.
5th Grade Clay Slab Construction